My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

My 83rd b-day

“Teach us to number our days
 So we may develop a heart of wisdom.”
-Psalm 90:12
Greetings dear family and friends, today I want to, in the joy of my 83rd b-day, to share a message with y’all about how to treat elderly people.
Did y’all know that it is a privilege, a blessing from God, to be able to reach old age? Both my husband and I have had this great privilege because we love the Lord and follow in His footsteps. Never forget that time, life pass very quickly and that aging is the only way to live a long time. As you age, you stop thinking so much about yourself, and more about others. Many people don’t reach eighty because they waste time trying to hold on to forty. We all want to live a long time, but none of us wants to feel old.
Even if you can’t understand all these things about age and such, don’t fret, but this do: live your life well and with much wisdom. Now I want talk about good, reasonable advice from Ernest Cortazar’s book, How to Love Elderly People:
Let the elderly people speak because there is, in their past, a memory of truth, beauty, and good. Let them win in discussions (even if you’re right), because they need to feel sure of themselves. Let them visit their old friends so that they can relive their experiences together. Let them tell their stories to you over and over because they enjoy it when we listen to them. Let them go on vacation with you because the year after that you will regret not letting them go if they’re gone. Let them age with loving-patience, in the same way you let your children grow up with loving-patience.  Let them die in the loving arms of their family because that’ll help them feel and realize God’s love all the more.
Since old age is the most unexpected thing that happens to humans, remember, dear reader that it is good that you let elderly people keep on learning. Don’t feel useless in your old age because many of us still need of your love, joy, warmth, and smile. Regardless of how old you are, it is important that you learn to love enough and to not live by your past errors; don’t repeat past errors.
Let us now pray so that the Lord Jesus Christ is always number one in our hearts and in our families. Let us now pray so that he fills us with much love toward everyone, elderly people especially. Let Him be the focus of your life so that you won’t fix your eyes on the things of this word, for they quickly fade, but rather on the things of Heaven.
With much love,
Maria Fanny Agudelo

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