My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


 Today is another beautiful day that our Lord has given us; let us all do His works while seeking his divine healing. Let us give Him our heart because it belongs to Him only. There is no doubt, let us continue with our Savoir because His beauty is infinite. Life is wonderful when we go through it with the Lord, as he guides ours paths to His infinite mansion. Help me Lord to preach your holy gospel, with the eagerness of love to attain eternity. They are the beauties of life that you give us as you prepare our hearts to reach your infinite mansions. We await your promise of the wonders of Heaven Father because you have promised us this from eternity and it’s because of us that the Lord shed His blood. This is why we always rely on His holy redemption. Let us all do God’s will here on Earth always seeking holiness and contemplating His ways in the mansions of the far beyond. I would like to write more about this topic and give thanks to the Lord because He has given us salvation. We love you Father God and we desire to show you this through our actions, but we understand our weakness and so we ask that you carry us in your arms like a carrying parent.
The most important thing to us is to know that you love us. ! Rejoice in the worship of your children Lord! But look Father God, at the sheep of your flock that are lost. How this pains me. Brothers, let us not cross our arms as if nothing was happening; instead let us fulfil the Great Commission. We pray for these lost sheep and hear us Lord because a lost soul is beyond value. How great it is Father God that you lead us all together knowing that Heaven is our final destination. Don’t allow evil seep into the the souls you have created; it is a shame that this is the case however because many reject you voluntarily. But we pray for your redemption and Holy Spirit in our lives because you never leave us. Thank you Father God.

José Joaquín Agudelo G.
Agosto 8, 2006


...Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed.         Isaiah 61:9

Dear Family and beloved readers of the Blog, I do not think I have ever read something so beautiful about grandchildren, so I would like to share with you something very special written by the Colombian author, Alberto Delgado titled, "Learning to grow old." Enjoy it.

The wonderful presence of our grandchildren is a renewal of our spirit and our body.
What are grandchildren? Are they simple mere children?! No! They are children duplicates of their parents; in them there is an extension of the generation. Grandchildren are the creative function of the human species. Our children were the witness and the grandchildren the confirmation; that is why we care about them so much. Grandchildren are the best gift from God to grandparents.
Grandchildren are a desire that becomes a reality for grandparents. They are given the love and care that we could not perhaps give our children and they give us the love and care that no one else can give us in this stage of life. Grandchildren allow grandparents to relive their youth and their hearts begin to beat again with renewed life.
With our grandchildren in our arms or close to us, we carry our children, our spouse, the youth that has escaped us, and we carry true love because grandchildren ask for nothing and yet give it all. These wonderful creatures make us smile and take us to a different world.  Grandchildren make us relive the love story. In the midst of the old age they restore hope and love. Grandchildren are the prize of years and of wisdom. A grandparent’s house is filled with love and joy when they visit.
Do we love our grandchildren more than our children? It appears this way but this is not so. What happens is that through our grandchildren we continue to love our children. Thank you Lord for allowing us to be parents and grandparents. Our children and grandchildren are fruits and blessings from on high and we are so glad to have reached the finish line. We want to reach Heaven with arms full of the fruits of our lives.  Lord protect us with your grace, and power and lead us on the path of truth, and fill us with your Word and do not allow us to be separated from You; We are sure that your divine protection cover our grandchildren. We the elders have a responsibility to set the example of honesty and purity. Do not forget that with your love and enthusiasm you can show the greatness of your soul and you can teach them the path that they should follow.
We pray that the new generation may succeed the previous generation.

My husband in one of his posts titled THE ANCESTOR GIVE ME SURPRISES said, "Lord do not allow my biggest defects are inherited for my descendants. What I want is they inherit FAITH and LOVE which You Lord has given me; It’s for me a great joy.” What we want is to give to our offspring this good inheritance. Lord thank you for allowing me to see 4 generations: Mine, my children, my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. I love them and they are joy to my life! Lord bless this beautiful family corsage always growing and walking together toward Heaven!

With love,
                                           Fanny Maria Agudelo

Editor's Note: This is a good opportunity to congratulate the writer Maria Fanny with her new great grandson born on August 5/14, which is part of this offspring that shall be known among the nations as blessed lineage by God and ambassadors of JESUS CHRIST. Again congratulations for the privilege that God is giving you to see the 4th generation with health, vitality, strength, and blessing.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Follow the paths of the Lord because there is no other path. When we have a very beautiful girlfriend, we express our love for her; yet if we do this for a beautiful earthly creature, how much more should we do the same to the Lord, whose glory is infinite? The radiant morning sun shines down upon us every morning, but even more radiant is the light of eternity which casts its glow upon us.
Life’s difficulties will chase us, but only because they usher us towards a glorious future. I am merely another passenger in ever moving vehicle known as Earth and I make this trip with all its adventure full of both joy and dismay, for the glory of God.
The dreams of our lives are melodies of love; we pick them up and hand them to the Lord. We have reason to eagerly await every coming day because with every new day we are brought one day closer to the Lord. We lead our lives in joy when we walk in the blessed ways of the Lord. If we begin our day in prayer, everything we do will be an incredible blessing. We bow before the Lord to beg of His eternal mercy. If it were not for the place He has promised us, this life would not make sense. Your token of friendship is called Heaven and that is something we cannot doubt; we will go with Him to the Heavenly Mansions. These words I speak to you my Heavenly Savior are words that come from the heart. My Lord, don’t drop us from your hand, because if you drop us, who can ever catch us?
We are going with Him and no one can stop that because He is life and our glorious future.
Jose Joaquin Agudelo G.
March 8, 2008

Writers Note: To all who are reading this I would like to greet you by giving you a warm hello along with some invaluable advice: Seek to have a relationship with the Lord JESUS CHRIST; it is singlehandedly the most important thing you can do in your life.

Editor’s Note: To all those who are reading this message I would like to let you know that that greeting from the author is now sent from Heaven. In reality Jose Joaquin was a Christian completely sanctified for God, by God on Earth; his testimony and actions demonstrated this. Through this message we observe the love for Christ and how synchronized he was with the Holy Spirit. There is no doubt that he was a man who walked in dedication to the Lord. What an example! This teaches us that it is possible to reach this level of holiness on Earth.


Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.           
 Proverbs 3:13-15  

Beloved family and esteemed friends of the Blog, today I would like to give you some advice for life; some of them are anonymous and some of them are intertwined with my own, but all of them are worthy of our attention. I found them while looking through my archives and I am sure that they will be of benefit to us all.

Problems are not eternal, there is always a solution. What we cannot fix is death, but this is God’s will.
We will always find loud and boisterous people, this is what cowards too when they know they are wrong. We will always find people who want to blame us for their failures to quiet their conscience. Save your good memories for the bad times. Listen and tell what you feel only to those whom are trustworthy. Learn to feel what you are worth, dream what you want, and understand that God loves you so much that you lack nothing. We need to be strong and learn to get up when we stumble because we must understand that after the storm there is calm, knowing that God protects us. Don’t forget that this life is short and fleeting, so live it correctly and happily.
Now I invite you to analyze these phrases: Before arguing, take a breath. Before you speak, listen. Before you criticize, examine yourself. Before hurting someone, feel it yourself. Before you give up, try. Before dying, repent. Before writing, think.
Remember, the best relationship is not that which unites perfect people; instead it is when everyone learns to live with everyone’s defects and learns to admire their qualities.
He who doesn’t value what he has, will later lament losing it. He who does evil will one day receive his due. If you want to be happy, make those around you happy. If you want to receive, give.
Surround yourself with good people and be one of them. Don’t forget that sometimes we make the happiest memories with those whom we least expect it. Don’t ruin your present because of a past that doesn’t have a future. A believer in JESUS CHRIST knows how to maintain his life in order. Manage to thrown on a smile even when your eyes are full of tears. We never know what will happen, and this is a good thing because if we could predict everything that would happen to us then life wouldn’t be worth living. If everything was like you want it to be and if everything was certain then you wouldn’t be a person made by God but instead a machine. Don’t forget that God is so good that He saw our sadness and problems and said, “The hard times over now that I’ve come to give you life and life in abundance.”
Remember wisdom is giving good fruit with our talents and recognizing that we are special. Those who are wise are people that love God and their neighbors; this is great commandment and all the others come from this one. The fulfilment of the law is in this great commandment which is summed up in one word: LOVE. Practice it because our Creator expects it from us.

With love,

Maria Fanny Agudelo