My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Monday, March 28, 2022



In a today or rather in any tomorrow we will be called by the Lord. How will this be? It will be such a big event that it is not easy to imagine it. But we wait for you, beloved Lord. You are part of our life. We take you in all the events of our existence: When we work, study, play, sleep, and in all the situations of our life. Beloved Lord, you go with us like the apple of our eyes, like the glare of our gaze, or like the air we breathe; we need you so much Lord, please don't leave us. These are moments of life that the Lord is giving us and we cannot lose them; we have to do something for his glory. The greatest glory of God is that no one is lost and the best way for us to

be heard by God is through prayer. How good is a life like this!  that is why time cannot be lost because it is priceless and there would be nothing to buy it with. In a minute, to say the least, you can earn eternal life, Heaven. The thief crucified to the right of Jesus' cross was one of them when the Lord told him, “Today you will be with me in paradise…” (Luke 23:41-43). Thank you, beloved Lord, because you give us such beautiful

opportunities for salvation. Lord, I understand that you are my life and my only eternal hope. You are the light that enlightens us, you are the morning star, the brightness of the dawn, and the radiance of eternity. Thank you for that so beautiful and for that so radiant that we feel in our hearts. It could not be less being in your pleasant presence. Always give us that incomparable joy. We love you Lord.


                Jose Joaquin Agudelo G.

                May 30, 2008



Hello family and friends.  I tell you that I love this writing and I hope you read it and read it again several times so that you can enjoy it as I have enjoyed it.

Never cut your relationship with God, rather cut everything that takes you away from Him!   

Remember that when we cry out to the LORD in authentic prayer we discover that He is very close because when you enter his Presence, He enters your circumstances with power.  Only on our knees before God will we stand before the eyes of the world.  Never go down the path of perdition.  Always remember that there is only one way to eternal life and this way is Jesus Christ.  Never forget that there is nothing more powerful than prayer, nothing stronger than faith, and nothing

greater than God.  Also do not forget that the fear of God is the basis of wisdom.  Let your decisions be the reflection of your hope and not your fears.  Tell him: LORD be light in my mind, peace in my heart and wisdom in my decisions.  If we understood how valuable prayer is, we would never make a decision before consulting God. "LORD, my past I entrust to your mercy, my present to your love, and my future to your providence."   Don't forget that you are not losing anything when you do God's will and accept that He controls your times.  Never leave the LORD so let's have many problems.  Never forget that love for God and neighbor is the passport to Heaven, for earthly goods are dust that fades, but the love we give in the family, at work, in the church, and in the whole world, will save us and remain

forever.  Don't let life's problems absorb you so much that you just talk about them, but let's get up focused on God's promises and say like the king David in the Psalms: I'm downcast but You are my rock.  I have nothing, but you are my provider.  I feel sad but you are my consolation.  But…, but you are my castle, you is my rock, you is the one who opens paths, you fights my battles, you defends me from my enemies. But I have not

seen just helpless or his offspring begging for bread. But you are my shepherd and I will lack nothing.  But you are my coat and my handkerchief of tears (comforter). But You are my rescue. But You are my portion and my blessing.  God is not God of the dead but of the living, for the Lord all his children live (Luke 20:38). Cheer up! JESUS CHRIST is worth loving.

With love

Maria Fanny Agudelo
