My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Health Tips

Hello dear family and friends of the Blog, I am certain that all good, every perfect gift, and every blessing is from God. I would say that health is the most important treasure that God gives us to have on this earth. Therefore the following advices we will take them very seriously:

For healthy eating we must consider three characteristics: quality, variety and quantity.

Let's start with QUALITY: Please note that it is very important to know how to feed ourselves. There are many non-nutritious foods for our body and that hurts our body. In first place are white flours; the industry process too much. Follow the sweets. We must avoid cooking with sugar or sweetener. The industry sweetens everything to give food a better teste so they can have better market. The problem is the sweetener as we add more in our homes and the worst is when it becomes cholesterol or sugar in our blood. We should not consume saturated fats or from animals. The strategy is never skip meals without feeding more than four hours. When we are extreme hunger we cannot select good foods and then we eat what we find ahead of us.

VARIETY: If we eat every day the same, our body would have no choices at all, and this requires all types of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, salts, cereals, proteins, and a lot of water. In addition, our palate or taste would get tired with the same flavors forever.
QUANTITY: I've been where several nutritionists and all agree that we must monitor how much food we eat because when we eat too much, it damage to the liver it has to work much harder  processing saturated food. We also harm our bodies if we spend many hours without eating, because our organism would have to go to look for reserves in our bodies. In addition you gain weight eating too much and that's a serious problem.
Although organic and natural products are expensive we should consume some of them to avoid many health problems. Today there is a problem concerning Tran genetics foods, but that business is out of our hands. We know that our life is in God's hands and He is the only one who can fix the problems that occur in this troubled world, with plenty of knowledge but little wisdom. Let`s not forget that the greatest wisdom is "the fear of God."

It is important not to overlook any of the three daily meals: Breakfast should be between 7am- 9am, lunch between 12m- 2pm, dinner between 5pm- 7pm. And in the middle meals you should eat fruit or a healthy snack. This is called ORDER and order begins in Heaven. As God is a God of order, He requires that his children are very organized in all aspects. That is why He hates sin because it is a mess. So, organized people abhor sin.
 Now I want to remind you five tips that I gave you few months ago and it summarizing a little this message:

1) Eat healthy, varied and small quantities.
2) Avoid saturated and animal fats.
3) Combat stress.
4) Never sleep less than six hours.
5) Exercise daily. Do not forget that nothing is as harmful to health as physical inactivity.

Practicing these tips will help us to be healthy, and add the search every day of JESUS CHRIST and His Word so that you do well in life.

With love,
                     Maria Fanny Agudelo