My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Friday, December 23, 2016


Lord, while You have us enjoying life, we can do whatever we want because of the free will you’ve given us, and nobody can stop us, since we are free, like the wind, to do whatever we feel like. That’s how God wanted us to be. But take care to not use this freedom in a bad way; instead, enjoy it within the Divine Purpose of God. It’s so awesome to live with God Almighty. This Way is actually good; I advise you to go it.
Dear brothers and sisters, friends, let’s go with the Lord; it’s such a good deal, so great & incomparable: I can assure you, you will never regret it. Holy Father, don’t leave us! We want to be prisoners of Your love, for we all want to go to Heaven. These are the messages of care and love that God gives us. It’s a precious gift to worship His holy name wholeheartedly! I want to worship You, Father God! Gift me with this great endowment. You are welcome here, Oh Holy Spirit of the Blessed Trinity; please sanctify our souls in order to take them to Heaven. Oh Divine Paraclete (Greek for comforter; referring to the Holy Spirit), take our souls to the arms of God the Father. Oh how awesome it would be, if we could all partake in the Holy Fire of Thy goodness! Today, I want to talk with them that live eternally, meaning, the children of God.
Jesus, we thank You for this clear way of looking at eternity from Your perspective.
Jose J. Agudelo
February 6, 2010


Hey fam. Last month, we celebrated Thanksgiving. It’s a very important day in America; for all the families get together, fellowship, and give thanks to God for all the blessings He has given us. The Lord said, “I will know that y’all are my children if you love one another.” Let’s remember that the Lord is faithful, even though we’re unworthy of it. Gratitude is a very refreshing antiseptic, especially when we’re feeling beat up by life’s problems.
Now I want to talk about a very beautiful thing that Max Lucado wrote about the everyday life of Jesus when He was here on this earth. I hope y’all enjoy it like I did. Well, here it goes:
People invited Jesus to a wedding feast because they loved Him and enjoyed His presence. The Almighty One didn’t act arrogantly, or pride fully, and neither was he a know-it-all. He who knew everything and created the stars didn’t have his head in them. The Creator of the entire earth and everything that exists didn’t walk this earth haughtily. He could have been boastful, but he wasn’t. His purpose was not to brag, but rather to help the needy. He made a big effort to be as human as any other. He didn’t need to study more, but nevertheless, He went to the synagogue.
He didn’t need to word, but nevertheless, He worked in the family workshop (carpentry). He likes music, listens to the harps of Heaven, but He also assisted parties. Upon His shoulders weighed the heavy weight of redeeming the world, but nevertheless He dedicated time to assist a wedding and run 144 kilometers on foot (the distance between Jericho and Cana). One could tell that people loved Him and of course there where those that mocked Him and accused Him of heresy, but never of arrogance; they called him a radical, but never a hater.
Since Jesus had had a pretty long week, he looked at the invitation and thought, “This would be a good rest,” and soon He went to the place with his disciples. His motive was not to turn the water into wine, neither was show His mighty power; He only wanted to do His friends a favor, so much so, that the person who was holding the party didn’t even know that Jesus did it. He didn’t do it to create a pulpit for Himself. Jesus’ real motive for going to wedding at Cana was that He loved people and wanted to be with people. Here ends the excerpt from Lucado.
Let’s not forget that in a short while we’ll be celebrating the birth of Christ. That’s where the redemption of the world started. He made Himself like us so that we could be made like Him. We ought to be very grateful with God because He has given us life, health, food, family, and best of all, He gave the Redeemer of the world to come die for our sins so that we could receive life eternal (the more important of the two, for this temporary life shall pass). Remember, the angels are still singing and the star still invites us to come seek the Lord Jesus and adore Him.
The most important event in history was not when man set foot on the moon, but rather when Jesus Christ set foot on the earth. It’s totally worth it to celebrate such a great holiday: the birth of Christ on earth. The whole world celebrates it although some people don’t understand the true spirit of Christmas: Jesus Christ!
Merry Christmas y’all!
With love,
Maria Fanny Agudelo

Friday, November 25, 2016


Even while we are here on earth, it is very much possible to follow God’s rules. Obeying God produces an amazing internal peace. Here on earth we have a very limited language – not capable of describing God’s awesomeness; but when we get to Heaven, we shall be filled with an awesome and eloquent speech and song, as the angels are, so that we can more adequately worship our indescribable God. We shall eternally sing in the Heavenly mansions unto the Lord. The Lord pours his love upon me, for I have fixed my eyes on the heavenly. O Holy Spirit, please control my mind and my speech, even right now. God’s beauty is so incomparable, for no eye has seen and no ear has heard God’s exuberant glory. There’s no better thing than to accept Jesus as your Savior-Lord, because that’s how you’re saved. All you have to do is say it to Him: “I accept you as Savior-Lord.” Every time someone gets saved, the Bible says that all the angels throw a big party in Heaven. Every day is a great blessing because each and every day is another opportunity to spark parties in Heaven and get the angels dancing; that’s a great opportunity that the Lord gives us. Blessed be Thou, O Papa-God; let us never depart from Thee, for we are 100% Yours and we won’t trade You for anyone or anything, O loving Father. Lord, we want to travel in Your holy Presence until we get to Heaven.
I bow before Your lovingly divine Presence, wholeheartedly desiring You, O God. Beloved brothers and sisters of the world, do the same as I, so that we can all rejoice in the arms of Papa-God after we die.
O God, if I could express the spirituality, the feelings, the emotions, that You, O God give me, O, I don’t know what would happen, but it’s a great joy to feel so close to You, Jesus. I don’t want to make this too long friend, but Oh, how I wish you felt the same things that I do!
Jose J. Agudelo
February 21, 2010
Writer’s note: If you liked this, I’m overjoyed. Please pass this on to someone else.


…and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Amen.”  - Matthew 28:20
          Hello family and friends of the Blog: I hope that y’all don’t get tired of reading my good advice because they are based on the Bible, Christian writers, good thinkers, and personal experience. I sure am glad that I can use 21st-century technology (i.e. computers) to share these things with y’all. By doing this I please God, whose judgment is supremely important.
          We should realize that life is a school, in which we should learn. Life’s problems are part of our schooling and each problem disappears when we solve it, but there’s always more to solve (just like in Algebra). Hardships are a test that need to learn to pass because they prepare us for the next phase of life. The lessons we learn will be extremely beneficial in the long run of life. Regardless of how hard the situation, we must use it to become better and better while we are here on this earth. Therefore, we should take time everyday to pray, to talk with our Heavenly Father; this will give you the energy you need to overcome the daily hardships without stress. Forget your failures; and don’t remind other people of theirs. Life is too short to spend it hating people for whatever reason. Always remember that true happiness comes from loving your Creator above all else and loving your neighbor as you love yourself. Don’t forget the children, the sick, the elderly, and the widows: take care of them. Give away what you don’t need to the needy; don’t leave it in your storage gathering dust when it could be benefiting another human being. Give something good to those around you every day. Don’t forget that there’s a lot of things that you can give away that don’t cost you much, but that reap much benefit for the person receiving it. Give of your time even you don’t have it or a smile because it warms the heart.
          Now I want to give y’all some advice that I’ve compiled from anonymous sources and various writers; I believe that these will help us a whole lot as we go through this life:
          Before you criticize, wait. Before you give up, try. Before you judge, love. Before you get mad, think. If you’re about to sin, think about God; take your eyes off of worthless things and fix them on God and you won’t sin. If you’re about to die, repent; change your mind about sin and about God: realize that sin is evil and God is good. Love your family because they dearly care about you.  Let go of any and all grudges that you’ve been holding against people that harmed you. Maintain peace with God; and if you’ve done something evil, repent: re-focus you attention on God and don’t sin anymore. No one can say that it’s easy, but I can assure you that it’s worth it. I pray that God will bless, protect, and guide you along His Way.
          Also remember that God’s love will never fail you because his promises are true. Give God all your worries: lay them at his feet. He will be helping you and guiding you to better places as you do this. Don’t forget that God is love, and love moves the soul toward goodness. I sought you Lord outside of me, but you were within me, deeper than I. Therefore, never forget that the Lord is in you if you’ve really received Him into your heart: love Him, live in Him, feel His Presence, follow Him.
With much love,
Maria Fanny Agudelo

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Wise advice & simple prayer

You shouldn’t worry about your physical appearance, since you didn’t create or shape it. Your should worry about your behavior and temper, as it is up to each one of us to shape them with the help of the Holy Spirit. You can be spiritually beautiful/handsome because your spirituality is under you care. If you want to have the character and personality of the Lord Jesus Christ, it shall be a glorious triumph when you reach that goal. Give me that glorious triumph, O Papa-God. With ALL my heart I desire it, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Today is a beautiful day; every day is beautiful. Each day is more beautiful than the day before (when you have Jesus in your heart), until we shall reach the most beautiful day of all: the day we meet Daddy-God, yes, Jesus up-close and personal, and see Him face-to-face, and behold his beauty.
If you do not have Jesus in your heart, pray this prayer with me to receive him,
        Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for me. Thank you for loving me so much as to do that. I accept you into my heart, O Savior. Lord, I’m sick and tired of my sin; I forsake my evil way and I turn towards you, towards the cross. Please forgive me as I forgive those who sin against me. Please cleanse me with your precious blood from all sin. Please change me and make me like you each day more. I love you, Daddy. Amen.
Jose J. Agudelo
April 1, 2006

My 83rd b-day

“Teach us to number our days
 So we may develop a heart of wisdom.”
-Psalm 90:12
Greetings dear family and friends, today I want to, in the joy of my 83rd b-day, to share a message with y’all about how to treat elderly people.
Did y’all know that it is a privilege, a blessing from God, to be able to reach old age? Both my husband and I have had this great privilege because we love the Lord and follow in His footsteps. Never forget that time, life pass very quickly and that aging is the only way to live a long time. As you age, you stop thinking so much about yourself, and more about others. Many people don’t reach eighty because they waste time trying to hold on to forty. We all want to live a long time, but none of us wants to feel old.
Even if you can’t understand all these things about age and such, don’t fret, but this do: live your life well and with much wisdom. Now I want talk about good, reasonable advice from Ernest Cortazar’s book, How to Love Elderly People:
Let the elderly people speak because there is, in their past, a memory of truth, beauty, and good. Let them win in discussions (even if you’re right), because they need to feel sure of themselves. Let them visit their old friends so that they can relive their experiences together. Let them tell their stories to you over and over because they enjoy it when we listen to them. Let them go on vacation with you because the year after that you will regret not letting them go if they’re gone. Let them age with loving-patience, in the same way you let your children grow up with loving-patience.  Let them die in the loving arms of their family because that’ll help them feel and realize God’s love all the more.
Since old age is the most unexpected thing that happens to humans, remember, dear reader that it is good that you let elderly people keep on learning. Don’t feel useless in your old age because many of us still need of your love, joy, warmth, and smile. Regardless of how old you are, it is important that you learn to love enough and to not live by your past errors; don’t repeat past errors.
Let us now pray so that the Lord Jesus Christ is always number one in our hearts and in our families. Let us now pray so that he fills us with much love toward everyone, elderly people especially. Let Him be the focus of your life so that you won’t fix your eyes on the things of this word, for they quickly fade, but rather on the things of Heaven.
With much love,
Maria Fanny Agudelo