My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Friday, November 30, 2018


We are unrepeatable. No one can fill your spot except you. The Lord does not allow replacements; we are unique in the universe. If we did not leave for Heaven, the vacancy would remain there because we have resolved to leave for another place and the other place, according to the Sacred Scriptures, is hell; and we cannot be erased from the mind of our God either. We will exist forever.
The fight is tremendous. We would be like empty coconuts if we did not care about something that has infinite transcendence. Already the Lord created us and we exist because we exist. Our duration is eternal, but the important thing is that while we live we have the freedom to solve this tremendous situation. It is a guarantee of infinite value because we can open the doors of Heaven wide open if we are friends of the Lord. By doing God's will we will be free from all danger of condemnation, nothing could be done to us by men, and no situation would affect us.
What a complete business it is to be a friend of God! How good it would be to proceed like this. Allow me, blessed Father, to glorify your Holy Name; while we are enjoying life we ​​do not want to do anything other than glorify you. Give us words to express that fullness of the Holy Spirit that you give us, but we hope that the number increases even more because we want to rest in the arms of the Lord. Thank you, Holy Father, because you have already set us apart as your chosen ones. Come, Daddy God, don’t stop, for we need you.
José Joaquín Agudelo G.
July 3, 2009
WRITER'S NOTE: Friends and brothers, if you do not dislike this simple message, share it with your nice friends. Thank you.


Hello family and friends, I am going to take this opportunity talk about the most important Book written on this planet Earth, the Bible. It has been translated into almost all languages ​​at all times. Satan and his followers have tried to eliminate it, but they have not been able to. These are its characteristics: The Bible generates life, creates faith, produces changes, performs miracles, heals wounds, builds character, transforms circumstances, imparts joy, overcomes adversity, defeats temptation, instills hope, releases power, cleanses our minds , defeats the devil and guarantees our future forever. So, "This book of the law shall never depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may keep and do according to all that is written in it, because then you shall prosper your way and everything will come out good” (Joshua 1: 8)
Remember, faith is shown by your lifestyle, not by your rites. The best thing you can do for those who died and live in the eternity is to love these who still live in the current time. Dependence on God is a path of freedom and liberation. The Bible contains the mind of God, the condition of man, the way of salvation, the judgment of sinners and the happiness of believers. His doctrines are holy, his precepts promising, his stories true and his decisions immutable. Read it to be wise. Do it to be saved. Practice it to be holy. It contains light to guide you, food to sustain you and comfort to encourage you. Jesus Christ is his great subject. Our good is its design and the glory of God its purpose. Read it slowly, frequently and in prayer. It is the Book above all books. It is the means that God himself made to reveal himself to humanity. A man united to God becomes what he can be: A miracle, a wonder, a child of God.
My husband used to use two important equations when he shared the message of hope. These are:
Believe in Jesus Christ = salvation.
Do not believe in Jesus Christ = condemnation
(José J. Agudelo).
The best way to evangelize is with good example, with wise and timely advice, but above all with the sincere love of God that you offer. The peace of God does not depend on the circumstances of life, it does not depend on the size of the storm, but it depends on your relationship with Him. We must believe in the Bible because: 1) those who wrote it were inspired by God. 2) It is historical. 3) It has continuity. 4) It is prophetic. 5) And it has the power to change people.
Remember also that love is the humblest but most powerful force that the world has to please God. The greatest need of a human being is salvation because it is about eternal life. Everything else is ephemeral. So we must read the Bible more frequently and intensely to know the will of God. Knowing the will of God, let us ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength to obey the counsel of God. Obeying God we love him. Loving him, we are recognizing him as our Father and Redeemer and at the same time He is recognizing us as his children. Dear friend, do you also want to be recognized by God ?

With love,
                     Maria Fanny Agudelo