My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Saturday, June 30, 2018


Good manners are a beautiful gift from God; if you have them thank God for them, and if you do not have them, ask the Lord to give them to you, for he will not deny them to you.
The name of the religion that JESUS ​​CHRIST taught cannot be any other than Christianity because it is taught by Him. False religions are the opium of the people, but the teachings of the Lord give us salvation.
Dear brothers, how do you like it? How good it is to be a friend of God! We lack nothing, but rather overflow in the sweet presence of the Lord. Grapes are a sweet treat and friendship with the Lord, all the more. My desire is to smile with my heart in my precious encounters with my beloved Lord. I feel very good, but dear brother, I want you to feel better.
The way of right living is the one that pleases God and how good it is to be in agreement with your Creator. Life flies by and sorrows become sweet melodies of love.
Eternal life awaits us all and nobody can escape this situation. Let's get together great armies of souls following the Lord in a party that leads us to the blessed fields of God. Oh! Blessed brother, do not be bamboozled, for Satan is very cunning and wants to take you to the hell of horror, but we’re going to Heaven with the Lord. 
José Joaquín Agudelo
August 15, 2009


Hello family and friends. Since we are in the hottest season of the year, smiling summer, I asked the time “How can I reduce my pain?” Time answered me: “let me pass.” Did you know that power and money are the fruits that most people like? Family and good friends are the roots. We can live without these fruits, but never without the roots. Hugs calm pain, reduce stress, cure depression and best of all, they are free, they cost nothing. Embrace is healthy, helps the body's immune system, keeps you healthy, induces sleep, is invigorating, rejuvenates, has no unpleasant effects, and is a miraculous medicine. A hug is all natural, it is organic, naturally sweet, it does not contain pesticides or preservatives, it is 100 percent healthy, it does not need batteries or periodic check-ups, it consumes little energy, it produces a lot of energy, it does not get fat, it does not require insurance, it does not pollute and of course can be returned entirely. Do not forget that to be an angel you do not need wings; you just have to be special in someone else's life. Remember, love cannot be wrapped in a gift box but we can wrap a person with a hug that comes from your heart. In life we ​​have very strong signs that God blesses us every moment. Think for a moment. You have a roof over your head, you have food, you have a good heart, you have clean water, you have a way to put on clean clothes, you want the best for others, you have faith, you have someone to care for you, you are breathing, you have life, and you forgive those who offend you. So do not forget that we have many reasons to smile. First of all we must thank God for all these blessings and then be happy and content, always smiling because with a smile we all agree and we are sure that a smile lifts the mood, increases attractiveness, lowers blood pressure, releases endorphins, improves the immune system, lowers stress, generates positive energy, is contagious, makes us look younger. I love seeing people happy and successful. Life is a journey, not a competition. Remember, the most wasted day is when we do not smile. Life is to be happy with what we have now. If you are stressed, take a break and enjoy your treats. Do not forget that a good friend is like medicine and a group of friends, all the more. The best medicines in the world are: exercise, a good diet, and self-esteem. Good friends, and above all family: make sure to keep them in all the stages of your life and thus enjoy a healthy life. If you look at the moon, you will see the beauty of God. If you see the sun, you will see the power of God. But if you look in the mirror, you will see the best creation of God: the human being. Thus you will have many reasons to believe in God and trust in Him. Life is only one, live it today! No wonder the Bible says: "... it is established for men to die once and after this, the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). Take advantage of the existence that you have now by living a lifestyle that its pleasing to the Lord. One day there will be judgment; are you preparing well for eternity? I encourage you to receive JESUS ​​CHRIST in your life and decide to live for his glory.
With love,
                     Maria Fanny Agudelo

Friday, June 1, 2018


When you are in love it is impossible to keep quiet; you have to do something about it. Holy Spirit illuminates me because I don’t want to step back from you beautiful ways, Oh God. Friend, I invite you to pray this prayer over your life too because you have the same rights we all have. Aspire not to be the greatest, but neither the least. Let us be lead by the Most High because he knows how to lead us through the beautiful ways of God.
I am very happy brother and friend, but I want you to rejoice with me in the blessed camp of the Lord. We going with you Father God and nobody can steal this right that you gave us before we were born. Let us receive the gift that the Lord gave us when he clung to a tree in a situation of tremendous pain. If you want to treat his sacrifice with contempt, I won’t. I’m not backing down; I’m going all in with this Jesus thing.
I am an enamored elder. These years have given me contentment because great joy is near. Oh! Father God, help me, bless me, so that I can lead souls to the Lord. You know the cravings of my heart.
I won’t take any longer, but you know the intentions of my heart; gather a huge bundle of souls so we can go with you Father God.
Jose Joaquin Agudelo
August 21, 2001
Writer’s note: Blessed brother, if what you have just read pleases you, please share it with your wonderful friends. The help is much appreciated.


On the occasion of Father's Day I want to share this message of wise advice given to us by Josh McDowell, renowned speaker and author of many books, including Committed Fathers. He says:
“As a good dad I did what I could, but my children have already grown and are forming their own families. I cannot say that I did everything right without making mistakes, nobody can say it, but what I do say and you can also say is that we did our best with what we knew at that moment. Let me tell you, that when I spending time with my grandchildren I realize that I have more patience and wisdom than before.
What a pity! When I learned to be a good dad, my children had already grown, so I thought, to be a good dad, we need a good training program. I advise you to take advantage of all the resources you can have and do your best because God will reward you. Do not forget that nothing will be more valuable to your children than the time you spend with them. Dads need to give quality time to their children. Do not forget that the most important thing is not that they follow you everywhere, but that you can be in their world and show them that you are interested in who they are and what they do. Accepting children unconditionally is fundamental and this is the foundation to have a good relationship.
Do not forget that the more we praise children for what they do well, the less they have to be disciplined because praise becomes a motivating force that drives them to behave well. Accepting children without conditions is the foundation to having a good, safe relationship. Expressing recognition is also a good basis to give them courage and meaning to life, as this serves as a basis and impulse to move forward. The recognition tells them that we care a lot about what they do, thus making them feel valued. Unfortunately, many children grow up without receiving recognition or praise. We all want to see our children protected from harm; we all want them to become purpose-driven people. I believe that one of the ways to help them achieve this goal is to foster in them a grateful heart; this would bring huge benefits to your children in very specific areas of their lives.
Remember that when we are grateful, we develop better ways to cope with the difficulties and stresses of life. Dr. Molanie says that practicing gratitude opens the heart and activates centers of positive emotions in the brain. The Bible says that we should be grateful first to God because He always blesses us and then with our fellow human beings. Do not forget that this has to be passed on to our children by example, so the more you see yourself praising God for protection and provision, the more likely they are to become living models of gratitude. Do not forget that without love, without respect, without trust and without communication, no relationship works.”
The Bible says in Ephesians 6:4, “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." This advice is loaded with the wisdom of God because if we correct our children with anger, this provokes anger in them; anger generates anger. God does want us to admonish them with firmness and discipline, but we cannot forget to do it with love. I am an older adult now and I have wonderful children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and I am also willing to admit, as Josh McDowell, that I made mistakes in the upbringing, but I did my best to bless them with what I knew in those years.
I encourage all the fathers of the world to receive JESUS ​​CHRIST in their hearts and they will see salvation and healing in their lives and in their homes.
Happy Father's Day!
With love,
María Fanny Agudelo