My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Hello family and friends. We will soon be celebrating the sacrifice on the Calvary of our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that we must all focus on the gospel of the CROSS if we want to receive salvation from God. For now, let me tell you an anecdote that serves as an illustration of the teaching I want to give you this month with reference to the celebration of Easter:
Two friends, one Christian and the other an atheist, walked the streets of a city, the atheist who was a hairdresser said: "If there is a God of love as you tell me, how does he allow so much violence, misery and suffering?" At that precise moment a beggar crossed the street, long dirty hair, unshaven, totally abandoned, then his Christian friend said to him: "You are a good hairdresser, why do you allow this man to walk like this?" The stuttering hairdresser said, "That person has not spoken to me or given me an opportunity to help him." "That is true," replied his Christian friend, "and so it is with God, He is willing to help, but people go their own way and do not want to come near Him."
Let us remember the words of Jesus when he said: "And you do not want to come to Me so that you may have life" (John 5:40). I dare ask you: Is there a way to correct the ills and avoid the tragedies that affect the inhabitants of the world? Wouldn't it be possible to educate human beings to live together in peace and harmony? Couldn't psychologists figure out how to correct personality problems? Couldn't the wise in chemistry invent a drug that can change the character of humans? Although we Christians do not believe that there is a definitive solution for the inhabitants of this globe, we can affirm that a personal reform or change is possible when we accept that Christ died on the cross to pay for the evil that we all commit. So let's ask ourselves if there will be a less cruel way to sacrifice on Calvary. Jesus' answer was clearly no, since He voluntarily accepted the crucifixion paying the punishment that was due to us.
The price has been paid, but human beings still ask themselves: Could there not be a less offensive solution to reach God? Is it necessary to accept Christ and such a bloody sacrifice? When we listen and see how humanity is, we are forced to ask if the cross will not be the only solution after all. The Gospels have made it clear that there is no other way, since Jesus Christ did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).
When the disciples saw the empty tomb, then they remembered Jesus' words that He would rise, and therefore believed that He was alive, but his enemies could not believe and so they accused his disciples of having stolen his body. Today people react differently to the data of the resurrection of Jesus. Many believe and put their faith in Him for salvation; others make conflicting claims, and miss the offer of eternal life. You and I have many needs and we can be wrong about what are the bases of the Christian faith, but then we realize, we react and we see that it is the CROSS and the EMPTY TOMB that we first need, since these represent the definitive solution for our eternal destiny. Do not forget that only when Christ is our greatest treasure, then there is a real change in our hearts and as a consequence a real change in our way of acting; that is, we are born again and become new creatures.
It is worth giving life to Jesus, because He has already given us his life!
With love,
               Maria Fanny Agudelo
EDITOR'S NOTE: These days we are experiencing a pandemic due to a Chinese virus (Coronavirus-Covid-19) that is spreading throughout the world. And due to this world crisis, the Christian people will not be celebrating Easter as they have always been accustomed to doing it. But although we will not be gathered in the buildings celebrating this important remembrance, we will all celebrate virtually gathered as a church in different groups, through different means, and at different schedule. It is impossible to miss this great celebration without remembering the DEATH AND RESURRECTION of our savior JESUS ​​CHRIST!

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