Hello family and friends. On the occasion of the marriage of my ninth
grandson Daniel, on June 15, 2019, with the beautiful young Rebecca, I want to
give you some healthy advice, not only to them, but also to everyone. Marriage
is not the union of two perfect people, but rather it is the perfect union
created by God between a man and a woman. A good marriage is not one in which
perfection reigns, rather it is a relationship in which a healthy perspective
overlooks a multitude of problems that cannot be solved,
so my advice is to make possible a nice marriage with the raw material of two
imperfect human beings, with totally different personalities, also with harsh
things that cannot be polished or eradicated. Try to develop the best possible
perspective. Do not forget that the society in which we live is stubborn
against matrimonial stability and for this we have to defend it with all our
strength. Marriage is not a fairy tale, but you can create an oasis of love in
the midst of a cruel and indifferent world, striving to create it, standing
firm in love and fidelity.
A question: Did you know that there is no perfect match? So they must
face the first years with a learner's permit, learning to carry the
incompatibilities. It is a continuous effort of both.
Another question: These tips do not seem to be very romantic, right? But
they are the result of the wisdom that is obtained through experience. Do not
forget that a man and a woman are not compatible simply because they believe in
God and love each other. Many couples imagine that the joy and flowers that
characterize the courtship will continue, but that is not the case. You have to
be naive to expect two people as different to adapt to each other as if they
were machines. Remember that the polishing process lasts several years. This is
the foundation for the couple to absorb what is to come. Do not forget that the
nature of the human personality is very complex and that the principle of
mental health is to accept what we cannot change. Life cannot give us joy and peace;
these depend on a beautiful relationship with God. Try not to do many things at
once, such as attending to your work, starting a business, studying, remodeling
the house, etc., it is dangerous to be stressed and very committed, so you will
be surprised when your marriage collapses, rather you should reserve time to
share together, also with your children, so you can keep love alive and a
stable marriage.
Other tips are: Do not spend more what is within your reach, distribute
the money with much wisdom. The love between the two must be free and trusting.
Do not forget that life is too short to contaminate it with anger, fights and
insults. If we understand the brevity of it, our greatest wish would be to
please God. The spouses must practice the gifts of companionship, cooperation
and complement, the one for the other; this is the help of which God speaks.
Remember that love is God shining through you, love is to give what one would
like to receive, love is to give time even if there is no time, love is to
listen with the heart, love is to remember, love is to be there, love is God .
Love is to believe in the good, true and beautiful. Not everything that shines
is gold, but if I pray everything shines. The Lord accompany you always and
With love,
Maria Fanny Agudelo