My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


 Let us not remain silent because it is a good opportunity to give glory to God. “Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice, and those who have done good will come forth to the resurrection of life, but those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.” (John 5:28-29). “And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:40). Truly, truly, I say to you, he who

believes in Me has eternal life.” (John 6:47). “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under Heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

How could they not obey the Word of God and let themselves be deceived by the devil in this way? Eternal life has no price, the Lord gives it for

free, if we only believe in Him; everything else is a trap of Satan, who walks around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. As a human, I would be very happy if we saw each other's faces in Heaven. Oh, beloved and beautiful Father, I am sure that the thoughts I experience are a tremendous reality. Thank you, my God, thank you very much.


José Joaquín Agudelo G.

December 15, 2007


 “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13

Hello family and friends. Did you know that God is love and that everything comes from Him? Yes, God loves us even though sometimes the Lord punishes and disciplines us because we are rebellious so that we wake up and change the way we live. Love is so important that if we take away love from a home, what we would have left would be a sad and desolate house. If we take away love from a family,

we would only have relatives. If we take away love from a couple, they would only have a contract. If we take away love from a friendship, we would only have an acquaintance. If you take away love from your job, what you have left would be an obligation. If we take away love from life, all that would remain would be a calendar. Therefore, put love into everything because if you don’t, everything will be expensive and boring. So you decide: If you sow with love, you reap love. If you plant trees, you reap food. Whoever sows flowers

reaps perfume. Whoever sows wheat reaps bread. Whoever sows appreciation reaps friendship. Whoever sows joy reaps happiness. Whoever sows truth harvest trust. Those who sow faith harvest certainties. Those who sow affection harvest gratitude. However, there are those who prefer to sow sadness and harvest bitterness; to plant discord and harvest loneliness; to sow anger and harvest enmity; to plant injustice and harvest abandonment. We are conscious sowers, spreading millions of seeds around us every day. If we sowed the right seeds, we would reap good fruit

and we would have enough reasons to please God our Creator. Let us cultivate the seeds of love because this life ends quickly. Let us love each other more and forgive each other more because the best moments of life are lived only once. So let us embrace each other more and leave everything in God's hands.

I tell you that Jesus did not hold himself on the cross so much

because of the nails, as the Jews believed, but because of the love for you and me. I ask God to help us spread a lot of love to all the people we meet in the passage of this life. But to achieve this, we must first go daily to the source of LOVE and fill ourselves with His love. By receiving JESUS ​​CHRIST, source of LOVE in our hearts, we are ready to project that love to others. Decide for JESUS ​​CHRIST right now!

With love,

María Fanny Agudelo


Friday, January 31, 2025


“There shall not be found among you…anyone who practices divination, or a soothsayer, or a spell-reader, or a sorcerer, or an enchanter, or a soothsayer, or a magician, or anyone who consults the dead. For anyone who does these things is an abomination to the Lord…”

Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12

There is nothing more stupid and foolish than believing in omens and all kinds of nonsense. It is a way that seems simple, but alas! The devil does his thing with all those omens. That mentally saying positive or negative, or that the color yellow brings luck, or red, or I don't know what else goes on in the minds of humans. All of this offends God. Let us be clear in all our actions. Father God cannot be replaced by anything. Let's take all situations from the side of technology and not for nonsense. What does exist is really many deceivers. What is outside of biblical teachings is not only great nonsense but also sin. Those of us who have the light let us go in search of souls for the Lord.

I end up loving you very much and, as always, asking you the favor of spreading all these messages among your beautiful friends.


                        José Joaquín Agudelo G.

                        December 17, 2007


 Dear family and friends, the experience I had during 62 years of marriage until my husband left for eternity is very great and valuable. I thank God for granting me a stable marriage with a wonderful man. From this beautiful relationship, God granted us a bouquet of 11 children with a whole line of descendants.   

I really have a lot of good advice to give all of you so that you can have and sustain stable and blessed marriages. Let me hardly summarize these tips in just 3:

1- GOD must always be reigning among couples and they must allow the Holy Spirit to always guide them. This is because we are foolish and weak who, through our own efforts, would not achieve anything.

2- Couples must have joined only for TRUE LOVE; since there are many marriages made for personal or family convenience, for money, for physical appearance, for social position or just sexual attraction. Any man or woman who marries for purposes other than the true love they feel towards each other is certain to fail.  I say man or woman because in these times same-sex marriage is happening; obviously this is outside of God's design. I am talking about couples, man and woman, united by true love that meet these requirements, will hardly fail. This is because true love comes from God and GOD IS LOVE. True love is a love so sublime that it can do everything, understands everything, endures it, waits for it, and forgives it.  Fake love and sensual love is not true love.  True love is  sacred feeling that if you love your partner with sincere and true love it will not cost you much sacrifice to fight to make them feel comfortable and happy.

3- In this kind of love there is HUMILITY that is so important among relationships. Although couples follow the above advice and fight to ensure that there are no conflicts in their marriage, if at least one of the two is not humble, the marriage would be a failure. The opposite of humility is haughtiness, jealousy, pride, arrogance, selfishness, resentment and envy.

 A humble person forgets about himself and is always worried that his partner is well, regardless of the sacrifice he has to make for her.

But everything does not have to be advice; So I tell you a beautiful little story, we could call it “Couples with Wisdom.” This one says like this:

In old age a humble wife asked: Why did we reach this stage of life together? And the old man answers: Because instead of shouting, we talk; Instead of running away, we look for solutions. Also because everything or nothing belonged to the two of us; because we cry and laugh together; because one day we promised each other and we kept it to be together in the good and the bad. But above all because our love grew over time in the form of the love of God (unconditional), which is the one that never ends. Remember, stable marriages are not impossible. Of course JESUS ​​CHRIST must be the center of their lives and they must fight not with their own strength, but with divine help.

Couples have their ups and downs, but walking together hand in hand with JESUS, the journey becomes easier.

Taking into account the small everyday moments, a special and valuable marriage relationship is built.

Within Christian marriage couples is the powerful God who unites them and makes them so strong that they will always look at the goals and not the circumstances.

Get up! And look at the morning full of light, walk and fight in this life together so that you can enjoy the other life that is eternal and therefore the most important. But this is only possible with JESUS ​​CHRIST. Receive it right now. Make the best decision of your life.  Cheer up! 

May God bless your homes always!   

With love,

Maria Fanny Agudelo        
