My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024



This life will end without approval or with the approval of anyone, but it will end and do not doubt it. We are all going towards eternity to the place that each of us has prepared during this life. I advise you friend that with approval or without approval we choose to go with the Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST.

The end of life should not worry us, we all end it and no one is going to escape; and it's bad for everyone, consolation for fools, but it's better not to joke. Let's take this seriously because it is a tremendous reality and the most delicate thing is our spiritual life. But the children of God go with the Lord our blessed owner, because He will not fail. If we follow Him, nothing should worry us because He is the owner of life and

eternity. He also has Heaven to take us there and it could not be another place because here on Earth we give our lives to Him; He is our adored owner and no one else. I repeat, there could be no other but only the Lord our true owner, our beloved God.

Dear brothers of the world, do not remain silent, let us give our whole lives to the adored King, our beloved Lord. Yes, we want to follow you Lord and no one can stop us because we are sovereign kings of our “self” because that is how the Lord made us. God wanted that here on Earth we could enjoy ourselves as we wanted, but in the divine arms of the Lord. Friend, if you knew how interested I am in your eternal life and that for lack of repentance you would go to hell. It can't be, it can't be, you better correct yourself because you're on

time. I feel sorry for you, I feel pain for your life. I would like you to listen to me because it would be much better. If you pay attention to me, I thank you, but above all, the Lord. Give your entire life to JESUS ​​the Lord. Blessed are you Father God that at a good time you make me talk like this. Fill yourself with glory my divine savior!

I end by inviting you to look at JESUS, who is the greatest good for your life because you are worth a lot and I don't want you to be lost for all eternity. Today is the right time for you not to despise Him. I love you, I love you, but He loves you with eternal love.


José Joaquín Agudelo G.

January 20, 2008

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