Hello family
and friends. We caught the afternoon. What a harsh phrase! In some places we
also say: The night took us or the waning took us. Someone said: There are no
old people here only that the night took us. Of course, loaded with experiences
and waiting for a beautiful sunrise so that we can give good advice. Let us not
forget that the years wrinkle the skin, but the lack of God and the enthusiasm
for living wrinkles our soul. One day we will understand that youth and beauty
go away without us realizing how temporary and ephemeral everything is in this
life. In addition, the true beauty is in your actions and in the love you offer
and also in what you leave in the hearts of others, because that is how we will
understand what it means to be a good human. This is what makes us be
beautiful and also realize that we have lived more than the time that remains
to us. How beautiful it has been to live and feel it! And also having given a
lot of love and having received it, acquiring experiences and learning
patience. Age does not matter knowing that beauty comes from a soul full of
love and forgiveness. It doesn't matter if we are old either, but we have life
and in each experience we are filled with wisdom. What an honor to have been
and continue to be a mother, wife, sister, grandmother, great-grandmother and
friend if we still have a lot of love to give. And the best thing is that love
comes to us without demanding or asking for it. How wonderful is this stage of
life, to be as we are! How nice it is to move forward with everything lived and
learning more!

I tell you
that faith is not a fire that goes out, but a fire that burns. Faith is also
not a soothing for the stressed, but a beautiful story for those of us who are
in love with the Lord. Growing old is a privilege, an art, a blessing, and a
gift from God's presence. Adding gray hair, tearing out pages from the calendar
and having a birthday should always be a reason for joy in this life; and not
everyone has this privilege of reaching such a beautiful age that is old age.
In my old age I don't want to look younger, I just want to look very happy.
Cowardice and stress ages us more than time. The past is accepted, the present
is lived, it is not discussed, and the future is expected, but always trusting
and consulting with God. We all want to live a long time, but none of us want
to grow old. Remember that you are never too old to love and speak kind words.
Although my body and my heart fail, You, O my God, are the rock of my heart and
my portion forever (Psalm 73:26).
always remember that you can exist without loving, but you can never live
without loving. We grow old when we stop fighting life, loving, learning, and
friendship; and also when everything scares us and when we close ourselves to
new ideas and changes.
At this
point I want to recommend you to read Psalm 71. I also want you to learn it
because it is very beautiful, since this is a prayer of the elders. May God be
the rock where your life rests, the source where you drink water, the cloud
that covers your walk and the light that lights your path.
With love,
Maria Fanny