Hello family
and friends of this Blog. Today I want to talk to you about the most important
business in the passage through this life of which we must worry the most. I
tell you that my husband said that like this business there was no other. What
insurance company sells life insurance to a person nearing death? Let's
understand this so simple. Life insurance does not insure the life of anyone
and the only thing that they do is that after the insured person dies, they pay
their family a certain amount of money. But a true life insurance is the one
that gives life and a life that is not lost and does not end either. Is this
possible? The answer is yes. Let us not forget that the security of
life was precisely what our Lord JESUS CHRIST promised us. He is the true
insurer of our life. He said: Whoever heeds what I say and believes in the one
who sent me has eternal life and will never perish (John 5:24). Christ provides
us with an insurance that guarantees us eternal life on the basis that He
received our sentence. He paid for insurance by dying on a cross to give effect
and now lives beyond death in indestructible life to ensure our maximum
survival forever. Christ did not commit any sin, but for our sake God treated
him as the sinner to free us from guilt through Christ.
asked: can I have a new life? I exist but I do not live and my life is an
ordeal of loneliness, enmity and pain. Will it be possible to start a new life?
Dear friend, this is possible! Every day there are positive changes in the
lives of hundreds of people. Did you know that God loves you and has a
wonderful plan for your life? That is not one more promise for the distant
future, but a promise for this life. He can change your life right now, that's
what we want to communicate to you. In John 10:10 Jesus Christ says: “I have
come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” But if He came to
that, why am I not experiencing that life? Unfortunately, most people live
without such an experience for very simple reasons. In the Letter to Romans
3:23 it says: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Then
Christ came to take away sin, so that when we decide to put our life in his
hands, God will receive us as free and clean from guilt. To change your life
you need to open your heart to Christ and invite him to share his life with
you. Christ says in Revelation 3:20: “I stand at the door and knock; if anyone
hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with
him, and he with me”. (Of course it refers to spiritual food).
Did you know
that Christmas is remembering the birth of
Jesus? So let's take advantage of
this 2020 Christmas, such a
complicated and difficult year for everyone, and
let's ask the Lord for forgiveness for our sins and thank him for the
undeserved gift of eternal life. Open your heart to Christ right now because He
is going to regenerate your being giving you life in abundance, which you want
so much; and be sincere with God by confessing your sins and failures, He will
forgive you. Read the Bible daily, connect with people who have the same desire
to change their lives and walk with Christ and you will see the results.
With love, Maria Fanny Agudelo