Again, hello family and friends of this Blog!
Have you ever wondered, what did you come to this planet earth for? You must
understand that you are a human being and that you came to perfect yourself and
to fulfill a mission that God gave you that is to love. Did you know that the
word poem means work or art? You are a work of art from the hands of God (Psalm
139: 13-16). Here David gives thanks to God for having made him so wonderfully complex and
not in production line or industrial quantities. So God not only formed you,
but He planned every day of your life. You are a combination of many factors in
order that you will inhabit this planet serving God and your fellowmen. So God
created you for a specific task with specific skills.

He gives us assignments
and equips us with what we need to be able to fulfill it. That is, so that we
can fulfill the salvation of humanity. We can not choose our gifts, God is
who determines them and loves diversity or variety. Have you thought about what
your gifts or abilities are? We must discover and develop them and launch them
in the service of God and our brothers. Remember that we are unique. You are
the only one who can use them because nobody has the unique form that God gave
you. He made us and threw the mold. I think this world would be very boring if we
were all the same. Did you know what love is? Love is surrender, truth, respect,
generosity, forgiveness, tolerance, faith, admiration. Love is also tenderness,
simplicity, strength, freedom, understanding, details, harmony, trust, patience, and time. Step by step we must perfect and cultivate all these tips.
whatever the problem is, your love is the answer. Whatever the pain, your love is
the answer. Whatever your crisis, your love is the answer. If you want God uses you, you should share your experiences, but acknowledge your mistakes and
fears because people are more encouraged when you share the way God helped you
in your weaknesses. We should not hide our problems because by communicating
them and sharing them, they are dwindling for there will always be someone
who intercedes for us. So, do not hide your pain, use it to help others. Do not
forget that God does not work for you, he works with you. Be humble and
grateful and let him lead your life.
We see the greatest example of service in Jesus in all his lifestyle on
Earth. He himself said that he "came not to be served, but to serve others, and
to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45). Do you believe
Jesus? Then let's follow his tracks!
With love,
Fanny Agudelo