Hey fam. Last month, we celebrated Thanksgiving.
It’s a very important day in America; for all the families get together,
fellowship, and give thanks to God for all the blessings He has given us. The
Lord said, “I will know that y’all are my children if you love one another.”
Let’s remember that the Lord is faithful, even though we’re unworthy of it. Gratitude is a very refreshing
antiseptic, especially when we’re feeling beat up by life’s problems.
Now I want to talk about a very beautiful thing that Max Lucado wrote
about the everyday life of Jesus when He was here on this earth. I hope y’all
enjoy it like I did. Well, here it goes:
People invited Jesus to a wedding feast because they loved Him and
enjoyed His presence. The Almighty One didn’t act arrogantly, or pride fully,
and neither was he a know-it-all. He who knew everything and created the stars
didn’t have his head in them. The Creator of the entire earth and everything
that exists didn’t walk this earth haughtily. He could have been boastful, but
he wasn’t. His purpose was not to brag, but rather to help the needy. He made a
big effort to be as human as any other. He didn’t need to study more, but
nevertheless, He went to the synagogue.

He didn’t need to word, but
nevertheless, He worked in the family workshop (carpentry). He likes music,
listens to the harps of Heaven, but He also assisted parties. Upon His shoulders
weighed the heavy weight of redeeming the world, but nevertheless He dedicated
time to assist a wedding and run 144 kilometers on foot (the distance between
Jericho and Cana). One could tell that people loved Him and of course there
where those that mocked Him and accused Him of heresy, but never of arrogance;
they called him a radical, but never a hater.
Since Jesus had had a pretty long week, he looked at the invitation and
thought, “This would be a good rest,” and soon He went to the place with his
disciples. His motive was not to turn the water into wine, neither was show His
mighty power; He only wanted to do His friends a favor, so much so, that the
person who was holding the party didn’t even know that Jesus did it. He didn’t
do it to create a pulpit for Himself. Jesus’ real motive for going to wedding
at Cana was that He loved people and wanted to be with people. Here ends the excerpt from Lucado.
Let’s not forget that in a short while we’ll be celebrating the birth of
Christ. That’s where the redemption of the world started. He made Himself like us so that we could be made like Him. We ought
to be very grateful with God because He has given us life, health, food,
family, and best of all, He gave the Redeemer of the world to come die for our
sins so that we could receive life eternal (the more important of the two, for
this temporary life shall pass). Remember, the angels are still singing and the
star still invites us to come seek the Lord Jesus and adore Him.
The most important event in history was not when man set foot on the
moon, but rather when Jesus Christ set foot on the earth. It’s totally worth it
to celebrate such a great holiday: the birth of Christ on earth. The whole
world celebrates it although some people don’t understand the true spirit of Christmas: Jesus Christ!
Merry Christmas y’all!
With love,
Maria Fanny