My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Sunday, July 28, 2024


Let us realize the rights we have while we live. We can make life and eternity ours. We can do whatever we want, but we choose to live next to the Lord and what we want to do during life, no one can veto it. We can make beautiful castles for the afterlife. Allow me Father to prostrate myself before your divine presence and ask you for salvation. No more than that is what I want to go there. But I forgot that I have many brothers on Earth who also need your blessing, do not leave them behind because they are also souls redeemed with the blood of JESUS ​​CHRIST.

All of nature experiences a tremendous blessing when the festivities of the Child of Bethlehem are celebrated. All souls prostrate themselves before the one sent from Heaven and we rejoice in the beauties of the Lord. We finish the race with a desire for salvation, so that we can all go to Heaven in a great procession. We will get there, the Lord reveals it to us, singing beautiful love songs to the King. Let's hope that moment comes and then we will understand that it is not easy to explain. But it comes because it comes, because it is a tremendous reality.

Let's go, let's go to Heaven and let's not let ourselves be deceived, because the devil is very cunning and wants to take us deceived to hell for an eternity. Let us defeat him, let us defeat him because in the Name of JESUS ​​we send him to his place, which cannot be another where he suffers for an eternity. But let's only talk about the glory where we are going to reach, where we will not change ourselves for anyone because it is the maximum happiness.

I would like to have said more, but my abilities did not allow it. Let's finish with the little that could be done, that the main goal is to revive faith and no more and no more. I would like everyone to talk about the things of the Lord and tell each other the beauty of God.


                        José Joaquín Agudelo G.

                        December 26, 2007


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