My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Sunday, June 30, 2024



My desire is to alert my family and friends of the danger of passing into eternity without God. There would be no such misfortune. Let's not allow it, let's not allow it because we are the Lord's property and we will not change it for anything or anyone. You are my blessed, adored, and beautiful owner.

I am an ordinary citizen and I have nothing special, except that the Holy Spirit enlightens me on what I should teach. As an inhabitant of planet Earth I wish to share with all my brothers the blessings of God. They are such beautiful blessings that I cannot keep silent about them for even a moment because I would feel bad.

Oh brother! We are going to Heaven, the mansion of God. Our thoughts are not discounted and at a good time we write them for the glory of the Lord. Look stubborn, look stubborn, you can't condemn yourself. The Lord has already paid the

debt to take us to his heavenly mansion. Our homeland is Heaven and we cannot doubt it; it’s up to us to let ourselves go. Why? Abandoned friend, why don't you raise your eyes and invoke the Creator, changing your mind and defeating the Dragon that stalks you with such evil intentions of taking you to hell of horror in its claws? I invite you wrong brother so that you do not let yourself be deceived because no religion saves, only the Lord saves. JESUS ​​CHRIST is our savior and there is no doubt about that. He paid the debt with his death on the cross, but it is important that we accept it; without our consent he could not save us.

I don't want to go on longer, but it's good that this year we became more and more involved in God's business.


                        José Joaquín Agudelo G.

                        January 4, 2008

NOTE: How nice it would be if you broadcast it to your valuable friends. Thank you so much.


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