My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Sunday, June 30, 2024



My desire is to alert my family and friends of the danger of passing into eternity without God. There would be no such misfortune. Let's not allow it, let's not allow it because we are the Lord's property and we will not change it for anything or anyone. You are my blessed, adored, and beautiful owner.

I am an ordinary citizen and I have nothing special, except that the Holy Spirit enlightens me on what I should teach. As an inhabitant of planet Earth I wish to share with all my brothers the blessings of God. They are such beautiful blessings that I cannot keep silent about them for even a moment because I would feel bad.

Oh brother! We are going to Heaven, the mansion of God. Our thoughts are not discounted and at a good time we write them for the glory of the Lord. Look stubborn, look stubborn, you can't condemn yourself. The Lord has already paid the

debt to take us to his heavenly mansion. Our homeland is Heaven and we cannot doubt it; it’s up to us to let ourselves go. Why? Abandoned friend, why don't you raise your eyes and invoke the Creator, changing your mind and defeating the Dragon that stalks you with such evil intentions of taking you to hell of horror in its claws? I invite you wrong brother so that you do not let yourself be deceived because no religion saves, only the Lord saves. JESUS ​​CHRIST is our savior and there is no doubt about that. He paid the debt with his death on the cross, but it is important that we accept it; without our consent he could not save us.

I don't want to go on longer, but it's good that this year we became more and more involved in God's business.


                        José Joaquín Agudelo G.

                        January 4, 2008

NOTE: How nice it would be if you broadcast it to your valuable friends. Thank you so much.




My son, do not despise the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked by him; for the Lord disciplines whom he loves, and scourges everyone whom he accepts as a son. If you endure discipline, God treats you as children; Because what son is he whom the father does not discipline?

Hebrews 12:5-7

Hello family and friends. Today I want to remind you that God punishes us because he loves us. This sounds harsh, but He is a loving and merciful Father. What if he left us without correction! I tell you that it is much better for our Creator and Redeemer to do it this way even if it seems hard. This is because He knows that for us it is more horrible and dangerous for Him to accumulate our faults, rebellions, and sins to punish us when we are in His presence, since it is eternal punishment. On the other hand, if he punishes and corrects us in this life, which is short and

fleeting, he will be able to take us clean of sin to eternal life, since it is the most important.

I want to clarify the above since the Lord sometimes tests us or punishes us as we pass through this earthly homeland so that we do not lose the heavenly homeland. This is the definitive place for us and seeking it is the biggest business in this life; this was repeated tirelessly by my husband who is now enjoying the heavenly homeland. Hallelujah!

My advice is that we accept with great patience the tests or punishments that God sends us since He wants the best for us, which is the heavenly homeland (John 14:2-3). It is true that the Lord sometimes sends us difficult and painful tests to purify us from all evil. But let us not forget that nothing impure enters Heaven and that no matter how hard the trial may be, we must ask the Lord for faith and wisdom without denying or demanding anything from Him since He is sovereign.

Please take into account this wise advice that leads you to grow in faith and climb to the heights of holiness. Remember also that our FAITH is tested like gold in fire (1Peter 1:6-7) so that we may shine in the midst of the darkness of this world. Come to the light. JESUS ​​CHRIST is the LIGHT.

With love,

                Maria Fanny Agudelo
