My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Saturday, August 31, 2024


These little words that I speak to you below are other details from the Lord:

If you could see, brother, what the Lord has placed in my heart, I want to distribute it to souls for eternal blessing.

We are the pilgrims who joyfully follow you towards eternity.

We do not forgive you anything Father God, you have already promised us glory to those who believe in You Lord, because we follow you without taking a step back.

The paths of the eternal cannot be erased from us; our mind must be occupied in the hereafter.

If I could take you by the hand and lead you to the Lord, no one would escape me, not even the most sagacious.

Dear children, do not be left behind, I want to sweep you all away to take you to the Lord.

The Holy Spirit enlightens me to speak to you in these terms; it is that our souls are worth a lot and we cannot go to hell of horror.

Our homeland is Heaven and we will not change it for anything, that beautiful home that the Lord has prepared for us to spend eternity.

Blessed God You are beautiful; We follow you joyfully with a great, very great peace.

I want to finish these stanzas by talking to you about the love that the Lord gives us. We feel as happy as the beloved souls who go to the Lord.

I would like us all to follow the Lord in a great procession, full of joy singing a beautiful song.

Come on children, come on now.


                        José Joaquín Agudelo G.

                        December 23, 2007




Hello family and friends. Making mistakes is not a sign of defeat.  Don't forget that Christopher Columbus made a big navigation error and as a result discovered America.  Another well-known mistake was that of Alexander Fleming, whose mistake led him to invent the famous penicillin.  Don't let your mistakes get you down, keep in mind that we learn from mistakes. This process leads us to perfection if we are sensitive to correction. People must also cultivate the values ​​of justice, faith, love, and peace (2Tim 2:22). Also remember that to experience permanent joy in the midst of coexistence you must share what you have and not accumulate.

God sent the Israelites to walk through the desert in the midst of many trials, but always with His divine presence. This is similar to our pilgrimage on this planet Earth. The Israelites were fighting to reach the Promised Land, we are also on this planet fighting and following the teachings of our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST in order to reach the Promised Land: Heaven! Let us walk in obedience (1Corinthians 10: 6-11).


 Do not forget that success is not given by the riches of this world. True success in your life is achieved by measuring how many people you smile at, how many people you love, how many admire your sincerity and simplicity, how many people you avoid hurting and if you do not hold resentment in your heart, if your achievements do not hurt your peers, if You are not selfish, if you are generous, if you are not arrogant, if you are considerate and humble, if you are not arrogant, it is about your kindness, your desire to serve and your ability to listen. 

I advise you not to settle for the successes of this world because there is another much more important success, for which we lose all the successes of the Earth to achieve the true success that has no end, which is eternal life. That was what my beloved husband talked so much about since he was looking for the heavenly homeland that he already achieved. To God be the glory!
Sometimes when something adverse happens to us, we think that it shouldn't have happened like that. That is why we feel so much pain when a loved one dies, when we lose a friend or a job, when we have a family problem, or when face with any defeat, and then it seems to us that everything is over.  That is not true, it is rather one more piece of the puzzle of our lives. When God gives you tests, or you have a setback, when you are disappointed, or when sadness invades you, do not ask God why this, but for what this Lord (purpose). Understanding the language of God in the midst of tribulation helps us emerge from the crisis faster and in victory. Only by being in the presence of the Lord, in the midst of any circumstance, can we know how good and extraordinary it is to be with the Almighty JESUS ​​CHRIST. Seek God in prayer.

                With love,

                                                        Maria Fanny Agudelo
