My husband and I were raised in Catholic families in Colombia, and from an early age our parents taught us the fundamental moral principles of the Catholic religion. But on April of 1989, when we were born again, we began to understand the true meaning of being a Christian and since then our relationship with God has become more personal. Since then we began to write. José Joaquin wrote reflections about the love of God and messages of hope for humanity, and I wrote wise advice for all families everywhere.

Monday, June 22, 2015


For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
(Proverbs 23: 7)

When someone offends you, pray. Yesterday is over, and we do not know the future, just live today. Give all your thoughts to the Lord every single day. I want to talk today about the importance of thinking about what you’re thinking about. If your thoughts are negative, you already know how your life will be. But, if your thoughts are noble, true, or praiseworthy think about such things.
If you think about these things you will love and serve God our Father and our neighbors. Everyone who is in Heaven had a personal relationship with God. And every human who had a personal relationship with God, had a mind like God’s. 

This subject is very deep and I would like to write a lot more on this: I advise you, brothers, do not waste time because time is very valuable and it does not come back.

        Jose Joaquin Agudelo G.
        January 5, 2011

WRITER'S NOTE: If you liked this post, please share with your friends and family. Thank you.


Hello friends of the blog, for some time I have analyzed this beautiful prayer taught by Jesus Christ at the request of the apostles. The reason: we all know, but few believe in the greatness of his teachings. I have drawn the conclusion that the Lord used seven very specific phrases in this prayer. Why the number seven? It's his favorite number, as mentioned in the Bible many times. He said: when you’re going to pray say this:
"Our Father which art in Heaven"
1) "Hallowed be thy name." All creatures must glorify Him and acknowledge Him as our Creator and Savior.
2) "Thy Kingdom Come". The Lord tells us to expect his second coming with joy and gladness because it is as certain as the first.
3) "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven." Remember that we should do the Lord's will even when we are going through valleys of deep darkness and harsh tests.
4) "Give us this day our daily bread". Do not forget that in our daily bread come all of our needs and we should be grateful every day.
5) "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." Remember that we must forgive 70 x 7 and if we do not forgive those who trespass against us, God will not forgive our trespasses.
6) "And lead us not into temptation". It is very clear that we have an enemy called Satan; therefore we must ask the Lord for help because we cannot defend ourselves.
7) "But deliver us from evil". Finally, this prayer teaches us to ask the Lord to protect us from all the evil of this world.

I hope that when you pray this prayer, do not do it like a parrot, repeating it without purpose, but thinking of the seven teachings, as all are very important.
Also do not forget this: God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. God's hand will not move because of your need, but because of your faith. The nice thing about a family is not being together, but united in love. The best part of your life is when you pray because you talk to who loves you, God.
With love,
                      Maria Fanny Agudelo

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Neither time nor distance has been able to erase from my mind the beautiful ways of God. The 93 years of life that the Lord has given me, is cause for gratitude and love in the holy presence of the Lord. Life is beautiful and my soul is transformed in the holy presence of the Lord because we are going to heaven where life is much better. That confidence in eternal life is one that none can remove from us and is a beautiful property.

Friend, I advise you to follow these beautiful ways of God because you have the same invitation and also because it is good to follow the Lord. As He calls us into His divine presence, we will never stop praising our Father God; and you, brother, do the same so that we can meet there.

It is good to praise God with all your heart! No such alike. I want these thoughts to be fulfilled as the Lord has given them to me. There is no joy greater than to be in the holy presence of God with you.
Sowing good seed produces peace, of knowing that our good examples made someone be in the good ways of salvation. Do the same because tomorrow may be too late!

I would not want that our faith remain in words nor written on paper, I would like that all of us go to the holy presence of God.
Heaven is for those who are and those who are well; It is for repentant sinners, but truly repentant. In the world there are wises and very wises, but if they are not in the ways of God their wisdom is worthless.

Jose Joaquin Agudelo G.
January 28, 2011

Writer's Note: If these tips have helped, then please write to me.


“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?  Jesus replied,”Love the lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “love your neighbor as yourself”. All the law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” 
Matthew 22: 36-40

Hello family and friends of the Blog, remember that one of the previous messages I shared with you was written by St. Augustine. It was very important because it spoke of loyalty. Today is not a message of St. Augustine, but a wise thought I analyze of him and then got good conclusions. This is what I've done. I hope you like it

The thought says: "God created you without you, but God does not want to save you without you". This means that God did not ask us for permission to create us. He gave us life when he wanted, but His will is for us to participate in salvation. How? He does this by using our free will. Distinguishing very well the difference between good and evil in order to always do the right thing, which pleases God. What pleases God? What pleases God we all know, at least Christians because He repeated many times in his Word, the Bible.

A summary is: We must love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. Because when we do good to others, our lives are blessed. When you show love to others, you receive double of what you gave.
This love that we give here on Earth becomes joy in the next life. We must all fight for the prize of eternal life that is Heaven. But it is important to always carry JESUSCHRIST within you. Not only should we open our hearts to God so that He can enter, but we should also search for Him in prayer. Ask for help because we need Him every second and every breath of our lives. Love God and love your neighbor right now and you are going to feel a heavenly peace. Follow Jesus now because life is short.

Remember, who does not know God, doesn’t have eternal life. In Jesus are hidden all treasures of understanding and wisdom and knowledge. So in Jesus' name I will lift up my hands to worship and open my mouth to proclaim that He is truth. Dear reader, God wants to save you, but first you have to make a decision to love Him. It's time to receive Jesus Christ in your heart right now and experience a difference in your life.

With love,
                      Maria Fanny Agudelo